Saturday, September 3, 2011

Birthday Weekend 2011- Part 1

For most people this weekend always marks the end of summer... for me... it's always BIRTHDAY weekend.  My special day usually falls during Labor day weekend, this year it actually IS Labor day.  So far it's been a great weekend, full of good times with friends.  My parents bought me a new portrait lens for my birthday so I'm trying to get adjusted to it!  Here are a few of my favorite photos from the first two days... more to come later this weekend.

The first photo is of two of my closest friends in the whole wide world.  They are moving and I will miss them more than anything.

This is the now infamous Atari-Jones.  I entered him into a fat cat contest and he LOST!  Can you believe that?

My friend Marla is dog sitting these two lovely K9s.  One's name is Chewy and the other is Chloe.  They were very good models and I might see pet photography in my near future.

This is my friend Audrey... looking beautiful as always!

This is my dear friend Stef and two of her new math teamies from her new school. 

Tomorrow I'm going to visit a few wineries with some friends to continue the birthday celebration!  You know my camera will be tagging along.  So check back tomorrow for another blog.

Also, I have a rescheduled engagement session tomorrow.  Dear Mother Nature, Please cooperate and give us perfect lighting for this shoot!  Love, Me!

Also, please "like" my photography page...

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